
4 Tips For Minimizing Repetitive Stress Injuries

Repetitive stress injuries are one of the most common types of injuries that people sustain at home and while working. With much of the world turning to computer-based work, repetitive injuries are on the rise. Even though these types of injuries are occurring more often, there are proactive steps people can take in order to reduce the risk or severity of these types of injuries. Many of these mentioned steps can be easily implemented.

Improve Posture

Sitting down at a desk or standing with incorrect posture can lead to a wide range of injuries. To remedy this, it is important to be conscious of how you sit or stand. When at a desk, be sure to sit up straight with your ears, hips and your shoulders aligned. This will put your spine in its natural position and limit the stress put on it. If you have trouble keeping a good posture, it may be worth it to purchase a balance ball. It will help to keep your body in a natural position and it will give your core some exercise at the same time.

Take Frequent Breaks

One of the more devastating aspects of today’s work culture is working long hours with lack of enough breaks during each shift. In order to combat repetitive stress injuries, it is essential to take at least a five-minute break each hour. Take that time to stand up, stretch and move around some. This will help alleviate the discomfort of sitting or standing in one place for hours on end and will give your mind a break. You will be physically and mentally refreshed when you get back to work.

Be Aware of Warning Signs

To reduce the risk of repetitive motion injuries, it is essential to be aware of warning signs. If you are working at a desk and your back begins to hurt, check your posture. If you are typing and your wrists begin to bother you, it may be time for a new wrist brace or other aid. A new chair that helps with posture might be all you need to reduce or eliminate your back, neck or wrist pain. Educating yourself on the warning signs can help you take necessary caution and prevent injuries from happening or getting worse.

Practice Safe Lifting

There are many jobs that require you to lift moderate to heavy objects over and over again. If not lifted properly, it can put a lot of strain on your legs and back. It is important to practice safe lifting techniques to protect your spine and back from repetitive stress injuries. Your weight needs to be kept close to your waist. Your legs should be doing the majority of the lifting. Do not lift with your back or arms. Even with lighter items, lifting with your back can really cause issues.

Many repetitive stress injuries can be treated with some rehabilitation. For worse cases of injury, surgery may be suggested. It is important to notice any signs of injury before it gets to that point.

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