
Recovering from Minimally-Invasive Back Surgery

For patients undergoing back surgery, it is normal to be curious about the process of recovery and what you should expect.

Immediately after surgery, patients are usually observed for a short time after in a recovery area. If the surgery was performed in a hospital, the patient may need to stay for one to two days before being cleared to go home. If the surgery was performed with any other procedures simultaneously, the stay could be longer. For example, a microlaminectomy may be performed along with removal of a damaged disc, or with fusion surgery to restore spinal stability.

Will I Feel Better Right Away?

You might notice immediate relief from pain after surgery. For example, when compressed nerves are given more room. It’s also normal for discomfort to linger for a brief period of time while formerly compressed or irritated nerve roots heal. You might also experience tenderness in the area where the surgery was performed while you heal.

Recovery Time

A minimally invasive procedure, like a microlaminectomy, has the added benefit of allowing patients to get back to their daily routines and preferred level of activity sooner. Although, it will still be necessary to avoid excessive spinal stress to give tissues time to heal. In many instances, it’s also possible to get started with physical therapy sooner, which can lead to noticeable improvements with flexibility, mobility, and range of motion within the back and neck area.

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