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4 years ago Health News

Health and Wellness Trends of 2019

We saw quite a few health and wellness trends this past year. The most common trends had to do with diet or weight-loss. Here are some of the trends that we saw gain popularity in 2019.

Oat Milk

There are all sorts of milk alternatives available on the market including soy, almond, coconut and rice milk. Oat milk has also emerged as a dairy-free alternative. This type of milk gives those that are vegan or lactose intolerant another type of plant-based milk that they can enjoy. Oat yogurt and oat ice cream have also hit the store shelves recently.


Plant-based diets have been around for quite some time. However, veganism seemed to gain a lot of momentum in 2019. This is in part due to a lot of restaurants offering plant-based options. These options include vegan burgers at Burger King and vegan sausage at Dunkin’ Donuts. Even Disneyland will be offering vegan options this year.

The Ketogenic Diet

Every year it seems like there is some new diet that becomes the latest diet craze. The ketogenic diet has become 2019’s diet craze thanks to numerous celebrities , like Vanessa Hudgens, who have jumped on the keto bandwagon. How the ketogenic diet works is that dieters consume less than 50 grams of carbs each day. This allows them to enter into ketosis. When they are in this state, they will burn fat at a quicker rate.


You have probably heard a lot of things about CBD oil recently. This oil is made from the cannabidiol plant, and it is commonly used to cure a variety of conditions. These conditions include epilepsy and depression. CBD oil is available over-the-counter without a prescription.

Intermittent Fasting

If you are looking to lose weight this year, you may be interested in intermittent fasting. This diet trend became rather popular in 2019. It involves not eating for a set amount of hours every day. For example, many people choose to eat for eight hours, but fast for 16. For those that have tried intermittent fasting successfully, they report being able to lose weight and keep it off.

In conclusion, there always seems to be some sort of health and wellness trend that makes news every year. The trends mentioned above are some of the most popular ones of 2019. Keep in mind though just because a trend is popular, it doesn’t mean that it’s healthy.


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