
Three Types of Urological Reconstruction

The purpose of a reconstructive surgical procedure is to restore the appearance and primary functions of any aspect of the structures and organs within the urinary system.

The results that you should expect to see from this surgery depend on a variety of factors, which mainly include overall health, the type of procedure that’s being performed, the reason that the surgery is taking place, and if the problem in the urinary tract was caused by some sort of underlying condition.

The doctor will be able to address any of the risks pertaining to the reconstructive procedure. Like with most surgeries, the risks to keep in mind include swelling, bleeding, and infection at the incision site.

Examples of Reconstructive Surgery

There are a range of conditions in the urinary tract that can be effectively treated by reconstructive surgery, including hypospadias, hidradenitis, and penile curvature.

  • Hypospadias is a type of birth defect that results in the opening area of the urethra being positioned on the under portion of the penis as opposed to the tip of it. If the condition is too severe, the base area of the penis may be adversely affected, which may require a reconstructive surgery that uses tissue grafts. The affected individual should be able to urinate properly once the surgery has been administered.
  • Hidradenitis is a chronic disease that causes the development of bumps along the skin within the groin area. These bumps can be painful. The condition is believed to be caused by certain blockages around the hair roots. While medication will likely be able to effective manage the symptoms that you’re experiencing, reconstructive surgery can be used to remove the portions of skin that are affected by the condition.
  • As for penile curvature, reconstructive surgery is typically only used if the curvature is severe. While this condition can present itself as a condition that occurs somewhat late in a person’s life, standard penile curvature is a congenital issue. Reconstructive surgery is used to properly adjust the length of the tissue that’s found opposite from the curvature. The results should lead to the shape and length of the penis being equal.
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